Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Learning with Web 2.0 and Social Networking - Day 2

Good morning!

Day 2 Agenda
1. Twitter #neupd and (Tweetdeck *download optional)
    Follow 3 new people per day Pat Larkin @bhsprincipal
2. Skype (*download) - follow  we will then skype with Pat Larkin in Class (video)
3. WallWisher Class link http://www.wallwisher.com/wall/neupdclass
4. Back Channel http://todaysmeet.com/neupd
5. Social Media video
6. NEU Blackboad confirm class registration *new members

Tools covered in class today.
1. Wallwisher http://www.wallwisher.com/
2. Glogster http://edu.glogster.com/
3. Voicethread https://voicethread.com/
4. Wordle http://www.wordle.net/
5. Ning (and Classroom 2.0)

1. Join Class Back Channel http://todaysmeet.com/neupd  and contribute
2. Use Twitter
3. Follow Class Blog and BlackBoard Site
4. Post daily to "your" blog
5. Post a brief reflection to the class blog (comment)
6. Update your Google Site Educator Page http://sites.google.com/site/neuweb2/

Wednesday - Online

Options to Explore
1. Social Bookmarking  in Plain English
2.  Diigo or delicious 
3. Photo Sharing in Plain English
4. SecondLife 


  1. I found many of these sites useful. I plan to use blogs more in the fall. I also hope to use TodaysMeet and Wordle.

    Rachael Barron

  2. I learned so many new things today! I am very excited to download and use skype. Also, Ning seems like it would be a very useful tool to use with a class.

  3. This quote has been to long to put elsewhere...

    "The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called 'truth." - Dan Rather

  4. I've used this site all day to get to many of the new sites I've been checking out - it's been very helpful - THANK YOU!

  5. I managed to connect this blog with mine.
    Also I put all that into my reader and put in my iGoogle.

  6. I learned so much yesterday! I loved using Glogster and adding Google Sites and Wallwisher to it!
